Whether focused on due environmental due-diligence or assessment of a known or suspected release to the environment, WEC develops tailored scopes of work and fee schedules for site assessments that meet the objectives of the project. We recognize that environmental assessment can be very expensive, and you don’t want your environmental consultant to be your biggest liability.
Potential environmental liability is assessed considering the Site’s location, history, and an agreed-upon acceptable and/or manageable risk. Whether the Site is being investigated under regulatory authority and/or directive or for environmental due-diligence purposes (such as a property transfer), WEC will explain the purpose and strategy of the assessment in a detailed proposal and, if required by a regulatory agency, a detailed Work Plan.
Unique work scopes and Work Plans are developed with the intent of assessing environmental risk and human-health exposure by comparing contaminant concentrations to published environmental screening levels (ESLs or SLs) and/or MCLs (drinking water standards) for the specific contaminants of concern, but if those conservative target concentrations are exceeded, we will almost always develop risk-based alternative target or clean-up levels based on a toxicological assessment. The alternative screening levels are generally significantly higher, allowing for more reasonable, timely, and cost-effective focused assessment and/or remediation or clean-up, if necessary.
Environmental Site Assessments are always approached with a strategy that includes a unique purpose, an endgame, and/or closure.